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Here you'll find
UpdatesLatest update: June 20, 2009 - Added the last five chapters of "Honor Bound" to the Revnash section, and a fic called "Redemption" (continuation to "The Sacrilege") to the Others section. Previous updates: June 6 & 7, 2009 - Added new stories (or actually some old ones that haven't appeared here before): in the Revnash section there's the first 10 chapters of "Honor Bound" and "Perchance to Dream"; "Unfinished Portrait; Charcoal on Paper" has been added to the Dorelion section; and the Others section contains an update to "The Gh¨Şa" as well as "Love Shack", "True Enough" and "Underage". July 25, 2007 - A total revamp of the site with too many new things to list. New layout, loads of new stories in each section and some old stories in edited form. July 16, 2006 - uploaded two Revnash Sidetracks (Homeward Bound, Goodbye), one Dorelion Sidetrack (Before the Race), and links to two fics archived only in LiveJournal. Feb 26, 2006 - uploaded Dayn Armallah ch. 16-17, Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 34, two Jainah Sidetracks (In the Garage, Figures of Speech), four Revnash Sidetracks (Give & Take, Second Thoughts, Terms of Service, Happy New Year!), three Dorelion Sidetracks (The Morning After, Melt, Someone to Play with). Also uploaded a picture of Vanya by Moonriddler Mim in the Robillard gallery.Jul 25, 2005 - uploaded Dayn Armallah ch. 15. Jun 26, 2005 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 31, 32 & 33. Feb 16, 2005 - created a link to Fresh Starts, a Torquere Press anthology, which includes a story by Quatorze. Updated some other links as well. Uploaded Bark Boats in Golden Rivers. Dec 27, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 30. Also updated the galleries: added character pictures of Daynar, Sorel and Mioll in the Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale gallery and removed a picture from the Dayn Armallah gallery. Took down most of the poems from Golden Rivers for rewriting, updated Woods White With Fire. Nov 16, 2004 - Sidetracks update. Created new sections for Sidetracks in Revnash and Dorelion - these are one-shots, connected to the longer stories, or just independent short stories. Uploaded one sidetrack each in Revnash (Sweet Dreams) and Dorelion (Basking), as well as two in Jainah (Disconnected & New Places, Old Friends). Uploaded an improved version of Prince Merilion's picture in Dayn Armallah gallery. Also uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 28 & 29. Nov 3, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 27. Uploaded improved versions of the pictures of the Dahomey brothers, in Mount Robillard and Traces of Doubt Galleries. Added a link. Oct 5, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 24, 25 & 26. Aug 22, 2004 - Gallery update. Created two new galleries, one for Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale with character pictures of Schean and Karos, and a Yaoi -gallery with five pictures, including a new one from Into the Light. Aug 21, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 21, 22, Interlude & 23. Two new pictures in the Moments -gallery for Traces of Doubt. Aug 16, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 18, 19 & 20. Aug 2, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 15, 16 & 17. July 27, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 11, 12, 13 & 14. July 16, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 8, 9 & 10. July 10, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 5, 6 & 7 and a new poem in Woods White With Fire. July 6, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 4. July 5, 2004 - uploaded Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale ch. 2-3. Updated the links page. July 4, 2004 - Introducing a new story! Chapter 1 of Ravens, Owls and a Nightingale by Quatorze uploaded. June 28, 2004 - uploaded ch. 1-16 of Never Forget the Importance of Style, with three new chapters and the rest revised. Uploaded Dayn Armallah ch. 14. June 6, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 34 & 35. Story completed! May 31, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 33 May 28, 2004 - Ashamed Aigha apologizes and admits: this is a correction update. Corrected the links to Jainah Sidetracks that I had managed to mess up at last update - sorry... May 21, 2004 - A bigger update! Uploaded Into the Light ch. 32 and four Jainah Sidetracks (Any Options?, Monday, Bloody Monday?, The Cake & Rise To The Challenge). Also updated the map of Dorelion. May 11, 2004 - uploaded Never Forget the Importance of Style ch. 13. May 6, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 31 and joined a new webring. April 25, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 29 & 30 as well and Dayn Armallah ch. 12 & 13. April 16, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28. April 6, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 22, Flight of Fancy ch. 4 and a new poem in Woods White With Fire. March 31, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 19, 20 & 21 March 26, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 18, added Comment links March 23, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 15, 16 & 17 March 17, 2004 - uploaded Into the Light ch. 14 March 16, 2004 - A real fast update this time! Uploaded Into the Light ch. 13 and Flight of Fancy ch. 3 March 15, 2004 - A huge update! Revamped the whole site, now everything's divided by the place and we find this more manageable this way. We also have two new stories, "Into the Light" and "Flight of Fancy", a few new poems, new chapters in Dayn Armallah, Never Forget the Importance of Style plus a new gallery with some new pictures... Did I forget something? Go and explore! March 2, 2004 - uploaded a new gallery for Boots in a Flowerbed, with pictures of DelChaim, Neakim and Toneior. February 22, 2004 - uploaded the last chapters of Boots in a Flowerbed (ch. 23, 24 & 25). The story completed! February 19, 2004 - uploaded Boots in a Flowerbed ch. 19, 20, 21 & 22. February 15, 2004 - uploaded Boots in a Flowerbed ch. 16, 17 & 18, and a new poem by Shantiam, "At a Distance". February 12, 2004 - uploaded Boots in a Flowerbed ch. 14 & 15 February 10, 2004 - uploaded Boots in a Flowerbed ch. 12 & 13 February 8, 2004 - uploaded Boots in a Flowerbed ch. 11 February 7, 2004 - Quatorze has started on a new story! Uploaded a new section for it, and the story, Boots in a Flowerbed, ch. 1-10. Also uploaded one new poem by Arkadi, "Golden Rivers", and two by Shantiam, "Sleepless Night" and "Walking by the River". January 21, 2004 - uploaded a new gallery, Moments, under the Traces of Doubt gallery, and added two new pictures there, called "Leisure" and "Surprised?" January 17, 2004 - uploaded a new picture (Lindsey) in the Traces of Doubt gallery January 16, 2004 - opened a new part of Distant Horizons, Poems. Uploaded introductions of Shantiam and Arkadi, as well as six poems by Shantiam and five by Arkadi January 7, 2004 - uploaded the last two chapters of Traces of Doubt, ch. 34 & 35 January 2, 2004 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 32 & 33 December 29, 2003 - uploaded revised versions of Mount Robillard ch. 1-9 December 27, 2003 - uploaded a new picture "Reunion" in the Traces of Doubt gallery December 26, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 31 and Dayn Armallah ch. 8 & 9; uploaded a new picture (of Golden Deer) in the Dayn Armallah gallery December 19, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 30 and Handle with Care, a sidetrack to Mount Robillard December 9, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 29 November 28, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 26, 27 & 28 November 14, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 25 November 11, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 23 & 24 November 1, 2003 - a sizable update: uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 19, 20, 21 & 22 and six new pictures in the Mount Robillard and Traces of Doubt gallery - you'll now find Adrien, Haldor, Orwel, Salvador, Terry and Troy there. October 16, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 18 and Alexandria's fan fiction to Mount Robillard, Long Time No See. October 15, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 17 October 7, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 15 & 16 and Never Forget The Importance of Style ch. 11 September 26, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 14 September 25, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 13 September 24, 2003 - moved to a new server at Vox Populli! September 21, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 12 September 19, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 11 September 18, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 10 September 17, 2003 - uploaded Traces of Doubt ch. 1-9; added a picture of Juri in Traces of Doubt gallery; uploaded Dayn Armallah ch. 7 August 19, 2003 - uploaded Dayn Armallah ch. 6 August 12, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 33, 34 & 35 August 6, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 31 & 32 August 3, 2003 - uploaded Never Forget The Importance of Style ch. 10; changes on Links page. August 2, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 30 July 31, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 29 July 17, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 28 and Dayn Armallah ch. 5 July 14, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 27 July 11, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 26 July 8, 2003 - uploaded the galleries and Mount Robillard ch. 25 July 6, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 24, added pictures of Fonzo, Shaun and Rori for Mount Robillard July 5, 2003 - uploaded Mount Robillard ch. 23 July 2, 2003 - uploaded The Importance of Style ch. 9 June 29, 2003 - added pictures of Leone and Merdos for The Importance of Style. June 23, 2003 - site uploaded. Contains Dayn Armallah ch. 1-4, Mount Robillard ch. 1-22, and The Importance of Style ch. 1-8.
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