Here you'll find


Mount Robillard





26. A Departure

Ice-blue eyes opened, blinked blearily a couple of times and then focused in the near darkness to look at the time. Their owner breathed a light sigh. Again. He'd done it again.

No matter what time of the day or night a mission was scheduled to launch, no matter whether he was asleep or awake, his internal clock would alert him an hour earlier. And so it was an hour, give or take a few minutes, till their time of departure when his instincts once more kicked him to wakefulness and made his every nerve hum quietly. As if a power supply had been switched on, he mused and yawned, rubbed his tickling nose to his upper arm and hugged the pillow tighter.

The massive warmth behind him pressed still a little closer and Vanya smiled to himself. For a moment he pondered turning around to just look at Corinn, then decided against it and ground his butt lazily to the body resting there so snugly against him, skin to skin. Corinn's leg had been swung forward, his thigh resting between Vanya's splayed legs, heavy and warm.

The blond man grinned as he felt the hardness growing against his ass and heard that the quiet snoring behind him stopped.

"What time is it?" Corinn's voice was gravelly with sleep, he nuzzled his face into Vanya's back and snaked an arm to drape around the man's compact torso.

"Sixty-four minutes to go," Vanya said and chuckled. "Time enough, Gorgeous."

"Good. I'd hate to spoil this morning with a quickie in the shower."

Corinn's arm tightened and he pushed his knee forward and up, rubbed Vanya's balls with his thigh. Vanya groaned.

"I hate to break this to you, Gorgeous, but you're not going to be the one who does the fucking this time," he mumbled. "Otherwise I won't be able to even walk any more."

"Ugh... sorry." Corinn pulled back a little. "Damn, was I too rough last night?"

"I'm not complaining, mind you. After all, you did exactly what I told you to." Vanya peered over his shoulder. "Just no repeat performance of the same. I still need to function today, you know."

"All right!" Corinn rolled on his back and around, kneeled on the bed and let his cheek sink on his crossed arms. He gave Vanya a steamy look from twinkling, half-closed eyes. "My treat then."

"Corinn, my man..." Vanya sighed deep as he grabbed the lube from the table and flipped it open. "I just love you, you know."

"Yeah... I know..."

Corinn's voice dropped into a husky depth it only reached when Vanya's fingers, or some other part of him, were up his ass. He breathed deep, each exhalation a purring moan, and made a conscious effort to stay still even when that clever, experienced hand effortlessly found the right spot and a wave of pleasure shot through him like an electric shock. "Mmmh... Vanya, you bastard, stop playing around and do it already!"

"We're not in that much of a hurry," Vanya drawled but pulled his fingers slowly out and Corinn felt the gratifying nudge of his thick, slick erection. He moaned again, pushed impatiently back, relaxed to take it in, and Vanya pushed slowly into him, so deliciously smooth and hard and so goddamn big. Corinn felt his breath hitching, Vanya stopped for a while to let him stretch and bent slowly down to lick Corinn's shoulder.

"You okay?" His breath was a cool puff on moistened skin.

"Yeah," Corinn grunted, shifted experimentally and sighed. "Holy shit, man, did I ever tell you you're huge?"

"And who's talking," Vanya growled and his hand skimmed from Corinn's hip to his crotch, grabbed the straining dick, twirled a thumb around the head. The moan and jerk that that move coaxed out of his lover nearly made Vanya lose it right there, and he pressed his forehead in Corinn's back in a desperate effort to control himself.

"Corinn... I seriously hope you're ready..."

"Just go right ahead, partner."

Corinn's face was turned to one side, his expression a mixture of concentration and rapture, and Vanya decided hazily that it had to be the single most erotic sight he'd been graced with. They only needed a few seconds to find a common rhythm and then rocked together, Vanya pounding into his partner's hard, yielding body with nearly furious passion. Sweat glistened on Corinn's broad back, it formed drops in the grooves between well-defined muscles, and Vanya bent down to lap on the salty drops. His hand stroked and pumped Corinn whose throaty groans told him that the man was rapidly approaching orgasm.

He felt the cock in his hand twitch, then Corinn fell silent as he came in strong spurts, and Vanya had just time enough for a fuzzy, fleeting thought it was funny how, no matter how loud Corinn was otherwise when they had sex, he never uttered a sound when he climaxed before he himself felt the blinding burst of heat through his body. He clung to Corinn gasping, struck breathless by the intensity of his release, fingers leaving bruises to replace already fading ones.

It took him a good while to recover enough to pull out and flop bonelessly on the bed next to Corinn's sated, brown body. They pressed comfortably closer to each other from arm to leg, sharing body heat, not bothering to pull a blanket over themselves, listening to each other's breathing that grew gradually steadier.

Corinn grunted a little as he settled on his back, lifted a knee up, sighed.

"And now to shower, my man," he said slowly. "We'll still have to get dressed in mission gear and grab breakfast before leaving."

"Mmh," Vanya agreed. "Oh boy, it'll be fun navigating through the forest in pitch black darkness."

"Well, at least we can use lights there." Corinn stretched his arms up and twined his fingers together behind his head. "Not so on the plains, and still we must keep good enough speed to reach the base around twilight. I sure hope the Union bastards haven't recently been hunting the kangaroos too eagerly."

"I don't think anything short of a fleet of fighters would make any difference," Vanya grinned dryly. "After seeing the numbers roaming about, I'm surprised they haven't taken over the whole planet."

"I was merely thinking that if there's been a lot of activity that involves dead kangaroos, the buggers might be a little more cautious for a while. We don't want to cause a panic around there, that'd be real suspicious."

"Oh, that's what you meant."

Corinn crawled reluctantly from the bed and turned the lights up a little more. He made a face at the mess across his belly, walked to the bathroom without bothering to close the door, and stepped into the shower. His voice mingled with the splatter of water.

"You know, I'm still a bit uncertain of how André will cope. What do you think?"

"I trust the Commanders," Vanya replied and sat up on the bed, scratched his neck, stretched his legs. "Besides, uncertain or not, he's our only hope to keep up any contact here. We can't use radios even between ourselves."

"Now that's something I don't like one bit!" Corinn was clearly pouting, annoyed. "But of course it's necessary. Oh well, I suppose I should stop doubting and uhh, Vanya? What're you doing here?"

"Showering, what else?" The shower stall was really rather small to hold simultaneously two men of their caliper, but Vanya didn't let that stop him. He reached for the shower gel. "I figured this would give us more time for breakfast."

"Vanya." Corinn blinked to him, water beating down on both of them and slicking his arms as they sidled around the blond man. "My partner."

"Corinn, my man." Their chests pressed together. "I'll enjoy flipping the middle finger to the Union with you."

"Idiot." Corinn chuckled. "How are we going to get ourselves washed like this?"

"With difficulty, obviously. Here, let me help you."

"Get your hand off now!"

Long, pale fingers slowly wove golden strands together, over and under and over and under each other, into a tight braid. They picked up a piece of ribbon, twined it among the flowing sections of hair, and finally tied it around the ends. All of the hair had been pulled straight back, away from the face, its sternness giving the sculpted features a new, austere beauty.

André's eyes flickered to the left as he saw Rori entering the room behind him, and he smiled slightly at the reflection in the bathroom mirror. The dark man fingered nervously the collar of his dark coat and stepped closer, his thoughts in such wild turmoil that the clone could read them without even really reaching out.

"I am going through with this."

André's voice was quiet and Rori snapped his mouth shut. He hadn't had time to say anything anyway. Their eyes met in the mirror, and he had to concentrate all his willpower to just breathe in and out for a few times as he looked at the impassive face reflected back to him. André was so beautiful that Rori ached inside, he looked so fragile, so vulnerable, as he stood there in that off-black overall.

Rori's hand moved of its own accord to rest on André's shoulder and the blond pressed slightly into the touch, turned his head to rub his chin on it. Rori swallowed.

"I am coming with you."

Bright blue eyes opened wide, incredulous, and André spun around.

"You can't mean it!" he gasped.

"But I do. I've talked it over with the Commanders, and they agreed to it. I'm joining you."

André shook his head slowly. "I don't believe it. There's no reason to endanger you in this way. They wouldn't."

"But they did already! Nothing you can do about it any more, André."

Rori raised his arms and let them slip around the blond clone's back, pulled him a little closer. This still felt so incredible every time, too good to be true. "They agreed with me that I might be useful once we get inside there. Besides, you might be distracted, and you'll be rather busy anyway keeping up the link to Adrien. And I'm a trained medic as well."

André sighed and relaxed in Rori's arms, rested his on the man's shoulder, snuggled a little. Again Rori was reminded that he wasn't so small and fragile as he might look like. André stood only a little shorter than Rori himself, and the man certainly hadn't forgotten the sight that had greeted him one afternoon when he'd searched for the clone and found him in the gym. Golden-blond ponytail swaying on his sweaty back, eyes half closed, headphones on his ears and a little smile on his lips, André had run on the belt with the light yet steady step of a predator on the prowl, and one glance at the mileage recorded by the contraption's computer had made Rori feel distinctly faint. Now the slim, supple body pressed against him and soft lips nibbled at his.

"Don't you think I might be distracted being worried about you?" André asked under his breath.

"No I don't. I'm not letting you go back there without me. You might need my help, you can't know what's going to happen there. And I'll be carrying my own gun."

"Can you even shoot with it?" André's mouth drew into an amused grin but his eyes were serious.

"Well enough," Rori retorted, not quite believing that those eyes could make him feel so defiant and defensive. "Besides, who are you to question that?"

"Someone who's received a crash course from Lancer," André said smugly. Rori rolled his eyes.

"All right, I've heard he's quite the sniper on the shooting range, but I still doubt his ability to turn you into one practically overnight. Besides, no arguing any more, André. It's settled with the Commanders. It's final."

"I hope it won't be..." André hugged him tight. His voice trembled a little. "Final, I mean. Rori, I I'm glad you're coming along. I'm really afraid of going there."

"Have you tried to contact any others who might be in the base at the moment?"

André shook his head and breathed in Rori's familiar scent. "I haven't dared. I don't want to take the risk that I might alert someone there."

"That's probably a good thing," Rori said and kissed the shell of his ear. "André, I'm with you through this. Whatever happens."

"Whatever happens," André echoed into the collar of Rori's coat. He was tense, breathing rapidly, as he stood there in Rori's embrace and just listened to the beating of their hearts, waiting for the signal.

Scott was already in his pilot's uniform but Lancer was taking his time. He'd placed everything into a neat row on the bed and was now picking things up, one by one, and putting them on. He looked very slim and more than a little unreal in his graphite-black one-piece suit, a very special thing made of a material that came as close to invisibility as anything man-made could. He could still be seen with naked eye, but the surface of his suit deflected just about everything and even seemed to suck in all light that shone on it, turning Lancer into a fascinating human-shaped black hole moving in the room.

Scott watched him in silence. Lancer's face, hair, and bare hands were the only really visible parts of him. All of his hair had been pulled into a neat ponytail and only waited to be tucked inside the hood of the suit. He checked the ankle fastenings of his boots, then straightened his back and took the gun holster from the bed. The upper belt wrapped around narrow hips, the lower was pulled just tight enough around his thigh. One disembodied hand grabbed the gun and pulled it out, the other floated to meet it and both worked in harmony to check its power before slipping it back into the holster.

Scott swallowed. Lancer's face was narrow, blank, carefully expressionless as he nodded in satisfaction. The eyes that he loved so much were shielded but bright. The mouth was tense, lips pressed together, not smiling. He was so beautiful to look at, and even more beautiful to hold, to cuddle with, to kiss breathless, to have sex with, to laugh with. To just be with.

Lancer lifted his head when he heard Scott inhale sharply, and frowned at the expression on the dark clone's face. Scott's eyebrows were pinched, his eyes burning, and his mouth was working but no words came out.

"Scott? What's the matter with you?"

"I have been so blind." Scott's voice sounded strangled. "I have been flying out to battle so many times, and you have always been here to wait for me when I come back. I know you have been afraid for me, Lancer. But now I realized that this time, you are going too. And now I understand. I understand what you must have felt like. And I understand that... this time it may be that I come back but you... you do not."

Lancer stepped over, Scott's arms came around him in a flash and then he was squeezed so tight he could hardly breathe. He blinked hard to hold back his tears, but a sob and suspicious wetness on his cheek told him Scott was crying and not even trying to do anything about it. So he'd been right, Scott hadn't thought about all implications of the mission, not until now. And now Lancer was supposed to keep both of their spirits up? As if brainwashing himself into believing that he was fine and dandy with the whole thing hadn't been hard enough. But if he now gave in, if he now let Scott's despair get to him, he might as well go shoot himself and save the Union the trouble.

"Scott," he muttered, letting his body melt into the embrace. "Scott, I know this is going to be dangerous, and I'm not denying that I'm afraid. But I'm not going alone. We'll all be helping each other. You'll give them something else to think about while we go in, and we'll stop them from shooting at you. And when the Plains Base is ours and you're flying in, I promise I'll be waiting for you there at the landing area. But you must promise me you'll be the first one of our guys to land there, right?"

They looked at each other, noses touching, Scott with tears glistening in his thick dark lashes, Lancer willing his eyes to remain dry and, surprisingly, succeeding in it. Scott clung to him almost desperately, arms trembling a little, pulse racing so hard Lancer could see it on his neck. He forced a smile on his lips.

"Promise, Scott," he repeated. "Promise you'll come there as soon as we give the all clear."

"I promise," Scott whispered. "And you promise to let me hug you as soon as I get there."

"I promise to kiss you, Scott. A big, wet, slobbery kiss."

Scott laughed, still sounding rather soggy but his breathing wasn't so erratic any more. Lancer lifted his hand to tangle fingers in the short dark hair, then the other hand as well, and pulled Scott into a deep kiss. Scott's lips were wet and salty but he answered hungrily. Lancer chewed gently on his lower lip and smiled to him.

"That's a little example of what'll be waiting for you there," he said teasingly. "It's just going to be much, much bigger, and longer, and deeper, and hotter."

Scott let out a small whimper and kissed him again, furiously.

"You will not get yourself killed, Lancer!" he mumbled into the kiss.

Lancer laughed, not rightly knowing whether it was at the absurdity of the plea or the fact that even now, when parting was only a matter of maybe minutes, he was definitely getting hard under Scott's assault.

"I promise I won't," he gasped. "Scott, Scott, down boy..."

The call signal made them both go still for a moment, then Scott let go and took a step back. Lancer inhaled deep and snatched his gloves from the bed. They looked into each other's eyes, Scott wiped the last of his tears away and his jaw tightened.

"Let's go."

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