Here you'll find


Traces of Doubt





22. Unashamed

Damn, but it was hot... Corinn shot a hostile glance towards the sky and wiped his brow with the back of a wrist. Despite a thickening mat of clouds, the disc of the main sun could still be seen looming through, and the clouds only did so much to absorb the heat with which it blasted the surface of Jainah. The clouds looked like some rain was on its way, and probably more than a little thunder as well. Glorious 每 the whole place would be totally soaked, again.

Of course it was true that heavy rain was a rare occurrence in this part of the planet, but it did happen every now and then. What a pity then that the Union's construction team responsible for the Plains Base obviously hadn't given too much thought to the question of what to do with the water when it did come in greater quantities. They could've gone to see for example Trelissac, Corinn thought. Now there was a place with exemplary rainfall drainage systems, and not too far away either, so it would've been very easy to take some ideas from there. But then, that was hardly something that you could expect to ever occur to Ziroshel Union. They were, after all, so tremendously sure of their superior technological expertise in anything and everything, they wouldn't stoop so low as to believe that the locals of a planet just might know some things better...

Corinn snorted. The improvements they'd devised with the MCs were helping a lot, they'd witnessed it firsthand during the latest torrential downpour some two months earlier, but still there were things that needed work. Some would've even required heavy excavation equipment, something they didn't have in the Base. Orwel had promised to hire some, but at the moment they had to watch their economy and so those works had been put on hold.

Well, there was enough work anyway. They were currently in the middle of an AD cannon overhaul and upgrading round, a very necessary task that also had to be handled with great precision. For security reasons, they couldn't afford to have more than one cannon out of commission at a time, so every operation had to be planned and executed with clockwork efficiency. Luckily that was no problem whatsoever with the M-clones, but it still was a lot of work. No dreaming, no slacking, carefully orchestrated pauses and changes of shift.

As a result, Corinn was drenched in sweat, dust, and more unsavory and chemically complex things as he was at last marching away from the AD section, the day's work safely behind. Once inside the accommodations complex, he stopped for a moment under the air conditioning vent and sighed deep under the flow of cooler air blowing along his body, then continued towards the apartment he shared with Vanya.

His heavy, steel-toed work boots thumped dully on the stone floor, and he tried to walk more softly as he approached the door. Better not make too much noise, just in case his partner was still asleep.

Vanya, although no technological wonder except where detonators and such wicked things were concerned, was usually out with him, helping with the testing and always ready to oblige whenever raw muscle was needed. However, this morning he'd woken up some time before the clock to a tremendous headache. Apart from some scars, that was the only reminder of the blast he'd taken back when they'd invaded the Base. Luckily it didn't hit him often, but when it did, it usually incapacitated him for more or less the whole day. So Corinn had simply made sure that Vanya took his painkillers, helped him settle in bed as comfortably as he could, and left him alone, knowing that Vanya hated cuddling when he wasn't well and especially so when the killer headache was in for a visit. The painkiller should have kicked properly in by now, and in all likelihood he'd be asleep.

The door opened and closed quietly enough, and Corinn removed his boots and socks as soon as he was inside, then crept barefoot to peer into the bedroom. Sure enough, Vanya was sprawled on his stomach across the bed, nude as usual, one arm hanging over the edge and the sheet wrapped around his legs as if he'd been rolling about. Corinn frowned and stepped closer, bowed down to touch a tanned shoulder.

"Vanya?" he said quietly, then groaned in surprise when the man suddenly turned on his back, grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him down. Corinn barely caught his balance enough to put out the other arm and stop himself from falling heavily on top of Vanya before their lips were crushed together.

"Oof... hey... mmm-hmmm!" The kiss was hard, deep and thorough enough to make him instantly uncomfortable even in the not-too-tight work overalls.

"Vanya!" Corinn panted, tearing himself away from the liplock enough to take a good breath in. "What the fuck?"

"Exactly that," Vanya growled to him, eyes slitted. "Fuck. Now."

"No, shower first," Corinn insisted dazedly and pushed himself up. He grimaced as he saw the graphite-dark stains that his soiled work clothes had imprinted on the sheet. "Goddamn oil... ugh, now the bed's smudged as well!"

"Smudged, not smudged, who cares?" Vanya squirmed a little, then kicked the sheet off to reveal a very full, very hard erection. "Get out of those clothes now, or do I need to help you?"

"Shower." Corinn swallowed and forced his eyes away from his partner, hands fumbling blindly at the fastenings of the overall. "I'm not coming to bed this filthy."

He shed his clothes on the floor, practically dashed into the bathroom, Vanya's "you'd better hurry, Gorgeous" floating in the air after him, and slammed the water on full force. All his consciousness was rapidly rushing towards his crotch, and he decided vaguely to handle more urgent matters first and save thinking till a little later. Or much later. That depended.

Corinn didn't even bother with the towel, just stood for a few seconds dripping in the middle of the bathroom and then stepped out. Vanya had pulled himself into a half-seated position against the edge of the bed, head thrown back and bent legs splayed so as to show all of his tightly muscled thighs and stomach. Not to mention what was in the very center of the scenery.

Corinn licked his lips that had suddenly gone very dry, and went closer.

"This sure is the first time that those painkillers have this kind of an effect on you, Handsome," he said, still incredulous. Vanya rolled his eyes.

"I slept them off hours ago," he grunted. "Come on, big boy..."

Corinn knelt on the bed and crawled closer, but Vanya's strong hands grabbed him roughly by the upper arms and yanked him forward into another searing kiss. Their erections were pressed together in a nearly painful flare of heat and both men groaned at the sensation, bodies wiggling for better contact, hands worming all around each other and looking for particularly sensitive areas. And finding them, unerringly. Corinn hummed in his throat and sucked Vanya's tongue deeper, then his fingers entwined into flaxen-blond hair and got enough of a hold to push the man's head back so he could look him in the eye.

"Vanya, what the hell is going on?" Corinn panted. "Are you telling me you've just been slacking from work and playing with yourself, or what?"

"Shit, man, do I need another reason except seeing you to be horny?" Vanya's big mouth quirked into a smile but Corinn shook his head and settled more comfortably on top of his lover.

"No, what I mean is that usually you're real tired after that headache," he murmured, lips trailing along Vanya's cheekbone in a series of open-mouthed kisses. "And now it seems you're bursting with energy."

"Well, I've got to admit that this time there's another reason, too." Vanya's arms locked together around Corinn and he threw his head back. Corinn didn't hesitate to take the hint and continued slowly downwards along the offered throat. "Giving a long and detailed description about the techniques and intricacies of sex between two males, without actually getting to demonstrate any of them, does 每 uhh 每 have a certain effect on me."

Corinn had frozen in place, then he bit the base of Vanya's neck hard enough to make the man yelp. A pair of suspicious hazel eyes scowled at the blond.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he demanded. "Who's been needing such instructions?"

"Believe it or not, but it was Troy," Vanya said.


"Yeah, Troy." Vanya's foot was sliding distractingly up and down Corinn's calf. "I woke up some time after noon, and noticed that I was damn hungry. So I decided to brave it, and went looking for something to eat."

"You needed just one pill? So it wasn't that bad then."

"No, I only swallowed the one you pushed into my throat and then slept. Anyway, when I woke up I was feeling pretty sore and a little lightheaded but the actual ache was gone, and I got to the canteen without incident. Then, when I was there, I noticed Troy giving me these meaningful looks... circling around like a shark closing in, and looking every inch like he was dying to talk to me but couldn't bring himself to do it. So I asked him where he'd put Sal and what was the matter."

"Go on," Corinn urged, now interested, and snaked his arms tighter around Vanya. "What happened?"

"I'd been right," Vanya said smugly. "Troy had got rid of Sal for a while under some pretext and he'd been desperately hoping to catch me, because there was something he'd like to ask me. At that point he was already blushing so much that I decided to have mercy and suggested we come here, to talk in private about whatever it was. He agreed. And I managed to coax it out of him that he wanted to ask me about the, well, practical side of what exactly happens when two guys want to get intimate."

"Whoa!" Corinn's eyes nearly popped out. "So he's finally getting round to admitting it? Go Troy! But... why did he ask you?"

"Gorgeous, believe me when I say I was curious as well! He stammered that he'd sort of figured that I'd definitely know, and would even be able to actually talk about it."

Vanya grinned from ear to ear. "Call it the right degree of shamelessness, or whatever you like. Anyway, of course I told him everything. And I mean everything. So, can you understand why I'm a bit horny?"

"Good grief..." Corinn slid lower and began to twirl the tip of his tongue around one brown nipple, satisfied with the way Vanya's breath hitched in response. "So you've been telling poor Troy in very much detail about all sorts of kissing... stimulation... erogenous areas... foreplay..."

"Mmhh," Vanya nodded, eyes closing slowly. "Go on, Gorgeous, you're guessing good. He was grateful, too. Even managed to thank me... unhh... before he slunk away."

"What about oral sex?" The tongue laved once along the underside of Vanya's erect cock and he let out a shuddering moan. "Anal sex? The lot?"

"You got it, Gorgeous..." Vanya's fingers dug into short brown hair and massaged the scalp rhythmically while Corinn licked his way up along his hip, maddeningly avoiding the key places. "I thought it's best to equip him with everything at once, so that he doesn't need to come running back for more as soon as they actually get round to it. Loads of practical hints, and stuff."

"Practical hints?" Corinn peered suspiciously at Vanya, tongue poking lazily into his navel. "Surely you didn't tell him about our own little quirks?"

"Such as the fact that you like it when I play with your balls?" Vanya chuckled. "Well, I just told him I've met someone who likes it very much..."

"Bastard," Corinn sighed. "You're an absolute bastard. But a goddamn handsome bastard."

"Looks like you're horny, too," Vanya observed approvingly. "So, are we done talking yet?"

"Definitely," Corinn stated. "Want you, bad."

"Goody. How about you fuck me?"

"Damn sure I will!" Corinn continued his efforts to eat Vanya in little pieces, then suddenly froze at the small gasp. "You okay?"

"Yeah..." Vanya pushed himself up to sit straighter and grimaced. "From behind, Gorgeous, if you please. My neck's still feeling a bit funny."

He squirmed around and Corinn straddled his firm buttocks, fingers gently rubbing the scars on the back of Vanya's neck and shoulders. Corinn swallowed. The doctors had been talking about a possible operation in case the headaches persisted, but so far Vanya had balked and Corinn knew that his lover hated to admit just how much the prospect terrified him. He pushed the thought firmly aside and bent down to kiss the steely muscle sliding over the man's shoulder blades, smooth and darkly tanned. His cock was throbbing in anticipation, and he slowly lowered himself on top of Vanya's stunning body, one hand fumbling towards the bedside table. It met a few objects but not the one it was looking for, and Corinn frowned.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?" Vanya drawled, voice partially muffled by the pillow under his head.

"The lube... the vanilla scented one?"

"Gave it to Troy," Vanya mumbled and pushed his hips up to grind them against Corinn who groaned.

"Damn you! It was my favorite, too!"

"The only unopened one," Vanya informed him. "Every help to newbies, right?"

"Sure," Corinn grumbled, caught some of the short hairs on the back of Vanya's head between his front teeth and shook his head a little. "But it was my favorite."

"Ouch... take the vanilla massage oil instead. And for goodness' sake, Gorgeous, stop dawdling and fuck me already!"

"What if decide to punish you and do you dry?" Corinn tried to sound threatening, but Vanya merely rumbled with laughter underneath him, one hand creeping to knead Corinn's thigh.

"Oh, you wouldn't do that to me 每 pumpkin..."

That was something Corinn decided to dignify by biting Vanya soundly. In the wrestling match that followed the move he did his best to make sure that his lover's head was not jarred too badly, and at some point during the scuffle he also managed to snatch the bottle of oil from the table and open it. That wasn't an altogether good idea, because liberal amounts of its contents ended up all over them, not only in the intended destinations. By the time Corinn had slid his entire impressive length inside Vanya and stopped to pant for air, the combination of sweat and oil had made them both shiny and slick as eels.

A muttered curse spilled from Corinn when his groping hand slipped from Vanya's angular hipbone in an effort to find proper purchase, and Vanya laughed breathlessly. "C'mon, man... push it... ooh boy..."

"Doin' as requested, partner!" Corinn moaned loudly when Vanya shifted a little, and pulled back before slamming deeper, still deeper.

Vanya shuddered and threw his head back when Corinn hit his sweetest spot, then sank on his elbows as the back of his head protested the sudden movement. Go to hell, he told the sting of pain, sweaty forehead pressing on crossed forearms, I'm busy at the moment... One shock after another exploded inside him, Corinn's big slick hand found its way to his throbbing erection and squeezed deliciously, and Vanya hazily tried to decide which one was more urgent, pushing back against the hard body driving into him from behind, or pushing forward into the pumping hand. Then he had no more time to dwell on the question as Corinn froze for an infinite moment deep inside him, triggering a release that made all his circuits shut down in a burst of sparks.

Vanya hummed under his breath as Corinn rolled on the bed and threw an arm around his waist. Their lips met in a long, sloppy kiss, Corinn burrowed his forehead against Vanya's and sighed in contentment.

"Love you," he mumbled.

"Gorgeous..." Vanya smiled, eyes closing. "Love you too."

Corinn savored the exquisite slackness that crept all over him. Vanya's body was radiating heat next to him, and not even the wet spot right under his hip managed to quell his enjoyment of the peaceful moment. His hand ghosted up along the powerful muscles on Vanya's back, one finger trailed down along the sweaty line of the spine and he splayed his fingers to flatten the palm on the small of the man's back, just above the buttocks.

"I hope they like it," Vanya muttered. Corinn's eyes opened wide in puzzlement.

"Who? What?"

"Troy and Salvador. Sex."

"Oh." Corinn blinked a couple of times. "Oh yeah. I forgot."

"Well, I gave Troy such detailed instructions that they should be all right." Vanya smirked. "And boy, was he aroused when I told him... I swear he was already seeing himself in action..."

"You dirty old bastard!" Corinn chided. "I hope you didn't crack any jokes to him. He's been having a hard enough time, coming to terms with it."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Vanya said. "I know it's a sensitive topic. No, I swear I was very matter-of-fact and encouraging. How great it is, all the intimacy, sex is good and great and beautiful, and all that. Now we'll just keep our eyes open and try to spot when something happens."

"Heh, waiting when Troy's going to score!" Corinn chuckled. "Whenever it is, I say it's about time too, considering how long they've been so goddamn obvious."

"I'm keeping my fingers crossed for someone else, too," Vanya said smugly. "At least I'm sure that Troy and Sal are going to get lucky, eventually, but there's another guy who I think has the hots for someone."

"Are you perhaps talking about Juri?" Corinn cocked an eyebrow and Vanya flashed him a grin. "Thought so! But I'll be damned if I know who it is he's after."

"Hey, don't try to tell me you're having more than two alternatives in mind!" Vanya yawned. "I say it's got to be either Dean or Orwel."

"I agree, O Sage, but which one?" Corinn pulled Vanya closer. The man's blond eyebrows crunched.

"That's a tougher one," he admitted. "I've been trying to puzzle it out, but so far I'm still hovering."

"I hope it's not Blaine," Corinn said. "My radar tells me the guy is probably straight as a rod."

"Well, what does it say about Orwel then? Besides, don't forget that those two are absolutely inseparable nowadays." Vanya stretched lazily. "But I agree with you, the vibes I get from Dean is that he's very comfortable with all of us but not in the least interested."

"I really can't say about Orwel," Corinn confessed. "He's so 每 reserved, in certain ways. It's so weird, seeing how much he looks like Osip, and yet they're so different in that respect. Osip is sex on two legs, Orwel's all business."

"True enough," Vanya said. "Anyway, I hope it's Orwel, if only because he doesn't strike me as a completely hopeless case."

"Ah, so this is the moment when we love the whole world and wish all the best to everyone," Corinn teased and nuzzled his face into his partner's neck.

"Not quite everyone, but pretty close anyway." Vanya smiled. "You hungry, Gorgeous?"

"Barely had time for lunch today," Corinn realized. "So, yeah. Food sounds good. But shower first."

"You're obsessed," Vanya accused.

"I don't think anyone would really appreciate it if we appeared like this," Corinn pointed out. "Sweat, sperm and scented oil isn't my idea of proper wear."

"Nitpicker," Vanya grinned and crawled out of the bed.

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